Once upon a time...

Alicia Souza has been referred to as a ‘happiness illustrator’ owing to the snippets of happy incidents, funny conversations and daily life musings that she draws. She’s added it to her designation ever since, as ‘commercial illustration’ sounded like a drag. She’s been drawing professionally for over a decade (omg! Old and wise, children!) and has hundreds of products manufactured from her drawings. 

This is her little online store with products proudly made in India, with all the love and care in the world!

 Alicia was born and brought up in the Middle East, currently works & lives in Bangalore with her husband, son, sweet old puppy and lots of pencils.

‘Every time I draw, I hope it makes people smile. That’s my main mission with my illustrations and the products I launch.’ 

-Alicia Souza, illustrator

The Store

Alicia Souza started her store…well..ages ago. It started off as products sold at art markets and as the years went on, the products stocked under her bed grew to fit into a warehouse, then an added partner and tens of thousand products sold. Her world is filled with whimsical patterns, bright colours and every day things that make you smile. 

This online store is managed by Future Wagon and is the backbone of support for Alicia’s work. This is so her time is spent drawing and creating. ✨